2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation

November 5 / Tue. ~ 8 / Fri. , 2024
Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Registration Guideline

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  • Registration Guideline

Author Registration

  • To be included in the ISAP 2024 Conference Program and to be eligible for the inclusion of the paper in the Conference Proceedings, at least one of the authors of the accepted paper is required to register for the conference by Pre-Registration Deadline (September 20 (Fri.), 2024).
  • The paper must be presented by the registered author of the paper at the conference.
  • For the authors with multiple accepted papers, one Regular registration is valid for a maximum of two papers. When registering as an Author under the Regular category, please note that only one paper can be selected in the online system. If you have a second abstract, kindly complete the registration and payment first, and then inform the Secretariat of the second abstract number via email(reg@isap2024.org).
    Note that student registration covers only one paper regardless whether the registered participant is the first author or co-author of the paper.

ISAP 2024 Registration Fee

Category Type Pre-registration
~ Sep. 20(Fri.)
Regular & On-site
Sep. 21(Sat.) ~ Oct. 18(Fri.)
Nov. 5(Tue.) ~ 8(Fri.)
Registration Fee
Conference Only Regular Member
USD 800 USD 850
  • Admission to all sessions
  • Welcome Reception, Banquet
  • Coffee Break & 3 days Lunches
  • Conference Kit
  • Exhibition
Non-Member USD 850 USD 900
Student Member
USD 500 USD 550
  • Admission to all sessions
  • Coffee Break & 3 days Lunches
  • Conference Kit
  • Exhibition
Non-Member USD 550 USD 600
Retired USD 400 USD 450
  • Admission to all sessions
  • Welcome Reception, Banquet
  • Coffee Break & 3 days Lunches
  • Conference Kit
  • Exhibition
Short Course USD 110
  • Short Course Session
  • Coffee Break
AMTA/ESoA Conference Registrant USD 50
  • Coffee Break
Conference non-registrant USD 110
Additional Banquet Ticket (1) USD 100  
  • Membership registration fees are applicable only to members of KIEES, IEEE, and IEICE. If you are a member, please bring your membership card when you pick up your name badge on-site.
  • To register as a student, the term "student" encompasses undergraduates, graduate students, master's candidates, and Ph.D. candidates. You must provide proof of your student status, such as a student ID or certificate of enrollment issued by your university. This proof should be uploaded during online registration and presented when you pick up your name badge on-site.

Registration Procedure

STEP 1 Click the “Registration” button above and Login
STEP 2 Click the ‘Registration Submission/Status’ menu
STEP 3 Fill out the ‘Registration Submission’ form and submit
STEP 4 Check details and scroll down to make payment

[CARD] Click the ‘Pay Now’ button and proceed online card payment

[Bank Transfer] Check your invoice and transfer the registration fee

STEP 6 Confirmation letter will be sent to you

※ We recommend using Chrome for the best practice.

※ The conference uses one system for paper submission and registration.
    If you already created an account during paper submission period, please proceed right away with logging in.

Payment Methods

1) By Credit Card

  • VISA, MASTER, JCB, and AMEX cards are acceptable.
  • (For Korean) Please note that your monthly credit card statement will indicate the payment you made to Duzon.
  • (For Foreigner) Please note that the billing descriptor will be listed as EXIMBAY.COM
  • (For Foreigner) This payment method is provided by Eximbay and is billed as www.eximbay.com

2) 온라인 수기카드 결제 (연구비카드 또는 법인카드 결제) * Domestic Institutions Only (국내 소속 기관만 가능)

  • 연구비 카드 또는 법인 카드로 결제 가능
  • 결제에 필요한 항목: 카드사, 카드번호, 유효기간
  • 본 결제 방식은 현장에서의 수기 결제가 아닌 온라인 시스템을 통한 결제입니다.

3) By Bank Transfer

  • Once you complete the registration form, you can check ISAP 2024 account information.
    (등록 시스템 내에서 등록폼 작성을 완료하면, 입금해야 할 계좌정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.)
  • The sender’s name MUST BE Registration number(4-digits) or registrant’s name.
  • All bank remittance charges are to be paid by the registrant.
  • We are not responsible for the inability to verify registrant information due to mismatch in the sender name format. Please be sure to read the remittance name form provided before sending the money.
  • After remittance, please be sure to send an email to the secretariat (reg@isap2024.org) along with the deposit receipt (date, remitter's name, amount) and your 4-digit registration number.

Cancellation Policy

  • To request a refund and cancel your registration, please notify the ISAP 2024 Secretariat via email at reg@isap2024.org. After the conference, a refund will be made upon receipt of this written request.
  • All bank service charges for sender and receiver are to be paid by the participant, and the registration fees are refundable as specified below.
Cancellation application date Refund Policy
By September 20, 2024 100% Refund
From September 21, 2024 No Refund

Registration Inquiries

  • I registered in duplicate, so I would like to delete one of them.
  • To delete one of the registration numbers, please send the Registration Number (4-digits) want to delete and email address to the secretariat (reg@isap2024.org).
  • I would like to modify a part of my registration information. (Participant type, payment methods, and so on)
  • [Before Payment] You can modify your registration information on your own before payment is completed.
  • [After Payment] Please send the Registration Number (4-digits) and the contents you want to modify to the secretariat (reg@isap2024.org).
  • I want documents(Invoice, receipt, and so on) for the Conference.
  • First, please sign-up and submit the registration form through the online system. Then you can check all the documents below according to the payment stage.
  • [Invoice] : After submitting the registration form, you can check the invoice before payment.
  • [Receipt], [Confirmation Letter] : You can check these documents after you complete the payment.
  • [e-Participation Certificate] : This document will be available from the start date of the symposium (from November 5, 2024).
  • I want to change the card I paid for to pay to another card.
  • If you would like to change the card that has already been paid, please send the Registration Number (4-digits) and Payment Date to the secretariat (reg@isap2024.org).
  • I filled out all the information in the ‘Electronic Payment pop-up’ and pressed submit, but it does not move on to the next page.
  • Sometimes, the payment pop-up is blocked and does not proceed after the 'Electronic Payment' pop-up. In this case, please UNBLOCK the POP-UP in your browser setting, delete the cookie, and try again.

If your inquiry does not apply to the above categories,
please send an email to the secretariat(reg@isap2024.org).

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